Monday, April 18, 2011

Short and Sweet Update

My lil sis Cassie (who is really older than me) prompted me to update WhoDatNat...

There have been MANY misadventures since we last spoke, and I will share some with you soon.

Most importantly, Bitsy is quasi engaged and still looking fabulous. Her weekends consist of double dates, kisses, non- hungover brunch and matching Vineyard Vines. I am happy for dear Bitsy.

I am still happily single.

I have a puppy named George who has one trick and a hysterical pooping pose.

I just tried YOGA for the first time this weekend. Glad to report that bones were not broken but my lack of strength was confirmed.

I am moving to the West Coast - Los Angeles- for graduate school in August... Awwww Snap. Underestimate & Overachieve every time, baybee!

That is all.

Friday, September 17, 2010

I'm 25

More coming. I have been too quarter- life crisised to type. And busy.

I am now 25.

Last night, I worked for an event. The boy working VIP with me heard that I just celebrated a birthday, and when I told him I was 25, he said, "Wow, you don't look that old."


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Behind the Scenes of The Finn

Hey there darlin',

Yeah I know... it's been a while. I've been busy trying to grow up.

After all... we're less than a month away until my quarter-life.

I've been dedicating a lot of time to my professional blog, @epilite. Thankfully, more people read my the professional blog than this one. Either way, if you like the who dat-ness enough to read what I've got to say, I figure I better give you something good...

In my last blog, I wrote an Ode to BlackFinn for its two year anniversary. Here is the "behind the blog." In my blog, written rhyme style, I discuss how my relationship with BlackFinn has lasted longer than any any boyfriend... well here's what I didn't write.

Thank you BlackFinn for the fun times
You inspired one of my best rhymes...
Throughout our two years
I have shed tears
over boys that I met at your bar...
(everyone knows those relationships rarely go far.)
I learned a lesson that will prevail in my quarter- life
Don't listen to men in bars- they probably have a wife.

So man number one was my first metrosexual date-
He acted like our meeting at BF was pure fate.
For some reason I fell "in like" with Rico Suave-
and Two weeks later told me that he'd buy me diamonds - center stone with pave'
Bad Decision-
I knew I had a premonition
that boys with barbwire tats are about as cool as the scarves they wear
especially those who take 20 mins to do their hair.
Never have I met someone so vain
Thinking about those few months causes me pain
The best part of all-
You're about to laugh so hard you fall-
One afternoon, I woke up to the drop of a huge bomb
Exit One...
I thought meeting boys at BlackFinn was done.
Enter number two who was a very handsome man
He was wearing a suit, but lacking a tan.
During a happy hour we met
The next day text messages were sent
by him of course... I don't pursue
especially much older men who try to woo.
Long story short
He had a girlfriend with whom he would not part
Although he swore he would
After kissing me one day in my hood
They are still "happily" together,
Settle or Single- I know what I'd rather...
So moving into my quarter- life years
I do not take back the Finn tears.
I learned quite a bit...
and these lessons in life just make me that more beeping legit.

PS- If you see me in the Finn, our destiny is just to be friends despite numerous purchases of gin, you will not win. lesson learned.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Quarter- life at the Beach

Many of my friends have husbands and even babies. I don't have either, but I do have a blog and a quarter-life crisis. I also have roommates; I live with Sandy, aka Jersey, and Janie, aka cousin in a heterosexual household.

We love to travel... I'll go anywhere I can. I work to travel. I live to travel. I am on every cheap travel site on the web, and I stalk them like a crazy chick stalks ex- boyfriends facebook pages. I secretly pine for a job in the travel industry. Please someone pay me to travel and blog. I won't let ya down!

So, this weekend my roommates and I put our limited funds together and went on girls weekend to Wild Dunes in Isle of Palms, SC. (BTW: Thanks to hotwire, I saved $50 bucks on the hotel.. woo woo!) It was a resort... a real resort on the beach with a golf course, pools, shops, houses, a couch in our hotel room, 500 thread count sheets, and really nice robes.

As amazing as the weekend was, the roommates and I had a quarter-life experience. We took a cab to Sullivans Island after a few glasses of Trader Joe's bubbly with the intention of seafood and then going out. On the way, Mr. Phil gave us a historical account of Isle of Palms and Sullivans Island FOR FREE and dropped us off at a restaurant.

After we are seated and get water, Jersey frowns. Uh oh.

"Ummm this isn't really what I had in mind."

"Jesus H. Christ, Jersey, what do you wanna do? Walk out of this really nice place... I mean there is a hot guy at the table next to us. It's going to ruin our chances" I reply.

Cousin, "I have no hard feelings about leaving.... no one will ever see us again... I have the Tom anyway."

So you can about guess what happened. We left a few bucks for the ice cold water and skee- dattled.

We found a really sweet Bayou wannabe seafood restaurant. The SAINTS were on T.V. WHO DAT! I was now in heaven.

After eating a six course seafood delight, I had to tell her...

"Jersey, you were right about leaving the stuffy place... JUST THIS ONCE."

Then, the three of us looked at each other, bellies full from a delicious meal, and skin crispy and pink from the beach rays... "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jersey says.

Cousin, "We do have robes in the hotel... and champagne."

"I mean there are HOT guys on this island, but what are we gonna do, makeout in the bar? This isn't the shore, and we aren't 18." (BTW "we" = Jersey and me.)

Unanimously, " HOTEL. SOLD."

On the cab ride back to our king size bed and robes, we all looked at each other....

Oh Crap.... We decided to go home at 10, watch a movie, and snuggle in robes.... WE'RE GROWING UP.

Quarter- life.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sausage McMuffin and Pondering

I try to eat healthy. After realizing that I can't lose weight as easily as when I was 21, I went to a nutritionist to learn how healthy or "clean" eating works. Let's face it-- I grew up on rice and gravy with everything double fried in Louisiana. To lose my freshman 15, all I had to do was skip fried food and mayo and switch to diet drinks. Unlimited alcohol consumption-- it was COLLEGE. If only my life were that easy.

Now before I get you all roused up, I'm not a tubby or even pleasantly plump. I LOVE food, although, not the part that involves me cooking it. I do try sometimes...

This morning I couldn't resist the Sausage McMuffin for only one dollar at Micky D's. I did regrettably "Say 'Good Morning' to Delicious" and opted to skip my usual light yogurt and wheat waffle with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray. (I always say that in a Fabio voice. Can't help it.)

So as I sat behind my computer, feeling a little flabby, I looked on the nutrition menu to see what damage I had done- something I would never have done at 21- apparently 15 of my 370 calories went to "liquid margarine." But it gets better...there's a box on the nutrition menu where you can check off items... ?!?! What am I supposted to do, drive through and say, "Yes, one dollar menu Saussage McMuffin - hold the liquid margarine and instead of processed American cheese, I've brought my own low fat." I'm so sure.

Still, those 370 calories were worth it. Yummmy! Maybe I'll do cardioke later... but probably not. I'll have to tell you about cardioke in my next post... :)

So, my mission this weekend is to purchase (on my kindle) and read Bethenny Frankel's book and make it my Bible. She eats AND is skinny. She even has a skinny girl sangria cocktail. My idol. I'll let you know how it goes...

Another part of me wonders... Why am I stressing out? Have girls my age been brainwashed to think that size 2 equals happiness? Or is it size 0? Gross.

Damn quarterlife... damn society.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Eventually I am going to add tabs, pics, and my favorite videos and social media whatnots... for now it's just me.

So it's Thursday and am so excited that my favorite guilty pleasures are on TV tonight- Real Housewives(Jersey and DC) and Jersey Shore!

Zoom in to RHDC. WTF? They are fake socialites who had famous grandfathers and get in racial issues type fights. So 1994. The Brit, Cat, seems like a straight shooter who just tells it like it is... Well, she likes Bush on a personal level and does not like Tyra for obvious TYRAness. Intro Stacie, who of course makes it a race issue, completely unfounded. Then all the ladies gaga over Cat's husband's pics with Joe Biden... like he was Tom Cruise. I thought they were supposed to be the who's who? Guess not.

At least the token gay stylist is as entertaining as ATL token gay. They make the show.

At least there is ALWAYS drama on the Jersey Shore. (Note to self: save money and don't live beyond your means.) I also get a good laugh about Danielle's cra cra.

My favorite, though, is Bethenny. Oh Miss Frankel. And Jill Zarran and her mother... I wish Bethenny and Jill were friends again because I liked them together on reality TV.

Now as far as Jersey Shore goes, I'm obsessed. Snooki is fabulous. Just simply fabulous. One of my professional blogs was actually about her- my first blog ever. My favorite line was when she talked about having to spray tan because Obama put a tax on tanning beds... and she knows McCain would NEVER do that, since he is so pale and needs a tan. Then- best part- says and Obama doesn't... obviously. Thank God she wasn't around Stacie in DC.

So, aside from watching reality tv, I do have a life. Taking a break from going out after an allergic reaction to redbull and absolute. (Ok we all know it wasn't really allergic, but go with it.) So tonight, I sip one glass of bubbly and dream one day of becoming a really skinny, over- botoxed, nouveau riche housewife/ reality star/ author (cause they all write books)/ ex- model (cause they all think they were).

Or I'd settle for getting skinny drinks with Bethenny- no redbull and absolute. Between the two of us, there would be plenty of word vomit.

Ciao. That's all for now Folks!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Poem For Bethany Klotz

From my eye rolls a tiny baby tear,
as it seems only last year
My friend Bethany and I were in the sorority house
Getting yelled at by Beetlejuice to be quiet as a mouse.
When we went to Fiji Island, she went with her now husband
but kissed a different very large, chubby man.
Our shenanigans with friends continued through the year,
Missing a night at Bogie's because of a test was our only fear.
Months later Bethany confessed
and her true love for Robert she did profess.
Her wedding in NOLA was amazingly fun,
and of course, she missed her plane for her honeymoon in the sun.
Now my friend is married with a job,
Oh the good old days make my heart sob.
But Miss B is more advanced than me,
not only does she have a degree,
but she's bought a house to make her own
Oh, Lil Bethany Ruth, you have grown.

Congrats! XOXO