Friday, August 6, 2010

Sausage McMuffin and Pondering

I try to eat healthy. After realizing that I can't lose weight as easily as when I was 21, I went to a nutritionist to learn how healthy or "clean" eating works. Let's face it-- I grew up on rice and gravy with everything double fried in Louisiana. To lose my freshman 15, all I had to do was skip fried food and mayo and switch to diet drinks. Unlimited alcohol consumption-- it was COLLEGE. If only my life were that easy.

Now before I get you all roused up, I'm not a tubby or even pleasantly plump. I LOVE food, although, not the part that involves me cooking it. I do try sometimes...

This morning I couldn't resist the Sausage McMuffin for only one dollar at Micky D's. I did regrettably "Say 'Good Morning' to Delicious" and opted to skip my usual light yogurt and wheat waffle with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray. (I always say that in a Fabio voice. Can't help it.)

So as I sat behind my computer, feeling a little flabby, I looked on the nutrition menu to see what damage I had done- something I would never have done at 21- apparently 15 of my 370 calories went to "liquid margarine." But it gets better...there's a box on the nutrition menu where you can check off items... ?!?! What am I supposted to do, drive through and say, "Yes, one dollar menu Saussage McMuffin - hold the liquid margarine and instead of processed American cheese, I've brought my own low fat." I'm so sure.

Still, those 370 calories were worth it. Yummmy! Maybe I'll do cardioke later... but probably not. I'll have to tell you about cardioke in my next post... :)

So, my mission this weekend is to purchase (on my kindle) and read Bethenny Frankel's book and make it my Bible. She eats AND is skinny. She even has a skinny girl sangria cocktail. My idol. I'll let you know how it goes...

Another part of me wonders... Why am I stressing out? Have girls my age been brainwashed to think that size 2 equals happiness? Or is it size 0? Gross.

Damn quarterlife... damn society.

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